Athens Higher School of Drama-"G. Theodosiadis" welcomes the theatre director, Giorgos Nanouris

Σάβ, 15.07.23 - 10:50
Giorgos Nanouris

Athens Higher School of Drama-"G. Theodosiadis" is happy to welcome, for the academic year 2023-2024, the theatre director Giorgos Nanouris. 

Giorgos Nanouris is a director and an actor. Born in Athens, graduated from the Athens Conservatoire Drama School and from the Theatre Department (Athens University). He works in theatre since 2000. He has collaborated, both as a director and as an actor with many playhouses (Athens Concert Hall, Athens Festival etc). He also had the leading role in the movie "Galazio Forema". He has directed many theatre performances, among which, Ajax, A view from the bridge, Glass Menagerie etc.